Francesco Papi
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Francesco Papi was born in Prato on September 21st 1994. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Florence in December 2015. After developing strong interest in renewable energy systems, he graduated in Energy Engineering from the University of Florence in April 2019. During his MsC studies he had the unique opportunity to grow his skills in the wind energy field with an intership at the Techincal University (TU) of Berlin, that ended with the MsC thesis “Comparison Between BEM and Lifting-Line Based Aeroelastic Codes for Multi-MW Wind Turbines from a Loading Perspective”.
In 2023 he completed the PhD course in Energy Engineering and Innovative Industrial Technologies offered by the University of Florence.
Research Projects & Areas of Interests
Wind Energy
- Aeroelastic modelling of large HAWTs
- Numerical modelling of leading-edge erosion of HAWT blades
- Energy storage systems for utility-scale wind parks
Turbocharger design and analysis